Blogging The Boys contributor Mark Lane has passed away

Blogging The Boys contributor Mark Lane passed away this weekend.

If you have consumed any kind of Dallas Cowboys content over the last decade then you owe a debt of gratitude to Mark. In that time there has quite frankly been nobody like him.

Over the last decade or so Mark has contributed to many different Cowboys sites and productions, including with his own social media following. He held an amazing memory for information relative to Dallas Cowboys and NFL history and would constantly recall things pertinent to any sort of discussion.

I first met Mark on the internet amid Cowboys Twitter back around 2015. As someone looking to find a place in this world he was one of the first to extend a hand and offer a point of guidance. More impressive than his wealth of knowledge was Mark’s kindness and humility. He always sought to help people and to ensure that they received proper credit for work that they compiled.

The world of Dallas Cowboys content and the world at large is a better place for having had Mark Lane in it. We should all strive to approach life with the same passion and graciousness that he did.

As news of Mark’s passing spread many people who knew him began to share memories or recollections of him.

As you can see Mark was a beloved member of the Dallas Cowboys community. It is difficult to believe that he is now gone.

A note on Mark’s passing from Blogging The Boys Founder Dave Halprin:

Mark Lane was a name I knew long before he ever contributed here at Blogging The Boys. When he decided to join us, I was honored as I considered him one of the most diligent and hard-working people out there covering the Cowboys. No one surpassed his ability to transcribe interviews, press conferences and other live events. Beyond that, Mark was a joy to work with and he was the definition of class. We lost a good one.

Mark contributed to Blogging The Boys in a written capacity several times, but did so thousands more beyond the ones in which his name was listed as a byline. His frequently transcribed press conferences, post-game interviews or radio appearances by people connected to the team helped form many articles. Quotes and tweets put together by him have been included here too many times to count.

In addition to this, Mark also co-hosted a podcast here at Blogging The Boys with Sean Martin. Due to his illness he had not appeared on the show in some time, but he was the host from its inception.

A note from Sean Martin:

I had the pleasure of working with Mark as a cohost on the Hidden Yardage podcast. Over time, it became a space where we got to know each other beyond just the sport of football, but it’s football that gave Mark a platform to impact many lives with his tireless commitment to covering all aspects of the game. His level of preparation was admirable and gave me something to look forward to each week when sitting down to record the show. I will miss his Dayton Triangles references and peaked interest in all things New Jersey including the unfulfilled quest for him to try a pork roll, egg, and cheese sandwich. I’m thankful for the time we did have together.

Mark’s sister Monica has let us know that they plan to set up a scholarship fund in Mark’s name. When information on that is accessible and available we will share it here and throughout the Blogging The Boys universe.

Our deepest condolences to the Lane family. May Mark rest in peace.


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