J.J. Watt still cannot believe Tony Romo evaded his sack attempt on his heroic touchdown play

The play will turn 10 years old on October 5th. At the time the Dallas Cowboys were 3-1 and coming off of a massive win on Sunday Night Football against the New Orleans Saints. On NBC’s postgame show after the game, tight end Jason Witten noted how the team’s goal was to “win the quarters” of the season which they accomplished with that victory.

The next quarter brought a showdown against the in-state little brothers known as the Houston Texans. Week 5 of that season marked the Texans’ first trip to AT&T Stadium as their only visit to play the Cowboys at that point in their franchise history occurred at Texas Stadium.

In that 2006 game at Texas Stadium, Tony Romo throw a touchdown to Terrell Owens in mop-up duty as the Cowboys cruised to victory. Eight years later Romo found himself in the middle of the matchup again, although squarely in the middle of one player’s vision specifically.

J.J. Watt still cannot believe how Tony Romo escaped his sack attempt

Nowadays Tony Romo works for CBS as does his challenge in the moment in question, J.J. Watt.

Recently both Romo and Watt were shown the play in question and asked for their memories of it. As you can imagine, it was a much more enjoyable experience for Romo given that he spun out of Watt’s would-be sack attempt and threw a 43-yard touchdown pass to Terrance Williams.

This is one of those plays/moments that bring total and complete jubilation to every single Dallas Cowboys fan. Consider that this wasn’t just J.J. Watt – one of the greatest defensive players of all time and someone who will be in the Hall of Fame soon enough – but the peak version of him. That Romo out-dueled him so specifically and in such a one-on-one way was incredible. The only unfortunate part about this play whenever it comes up is how badly Tyron Smith got beat, but J.J. had that impact on a lot of players so it is what it is.

Watt notes in the clip that any time he teases the Cowboys or things along those lines pop up, he gets this sent to him by Cowboys fans which means we are doing a great job as one collective group. Also, far be it from me to correct Watt, but he notes that this play won the game for Dallas. That was certainly not the case.

This touchdown made it a 10-7 game that the Cowboys led (a lead they would never give up in J.J.’s defense) but ultimately the Texans tied it at 17 where things stood at the end of regulation. Romo, in true 2014 Romo fashion, led a drive in overtime that Dan Bailey punctuated with the game-winning field goal.


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